
Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - February

Who doesn't love Pinterest?  If you're like me, you have "pinned" a million items, but actually completed about 2!  This challenge is to help us check a few things off of our list.

The rules are simple:

Complete a minimum of 1 pin each month and blog about it.  This must be done and shared by the last day of every month.  It can be anything...a book, craft, recipe or anything else you saw on Pinterest.

What if you don't have a blog?  There is a Facebook group and you can post your results there!

At the end of each month when your blog is complete, link up here and share with the world.

Your pin didn't quite turn out as planned?  Share that too...let's admit...everyone likes to see pins gone horribly wrong!

Last but not least...make sure you give credit where credit is due and link back to the original pin!

If you have a blog, add it to the comments at the end of this post.

For those of you interesting in participating or just following along,
 ask me to add you to our Facebook page!

Please also link back to this post somewhere for others to find


I did a few different things at the beginning of the month.

I already posted the recipes I tried to the Facebook group.  Here is a list of what I tried this month:

This one was pretty good.  It made more than we needed, so perhaps next time I would cut it in half instead.

This one was NOT a winner.  I'm not sure what it was.  While I liked the method they used of wrapping the prepared sandwiches up tightly in foil and putting them in the oven for 20 minutes, the taste was not great.  I used provolone cheese and it was very strong.  Other times I have made Cheese Steak sandwiches, I always use BBQ sauce.

This one was well received.  Brian really liked the chicken, which is saying something because he is not a chicken person.  I tweaked the recipe and added onion in with the garlic. I won't do that next time.  As for the potatoes, they were ok as far as mashed potatoes go.

I also used Pinterest to help with Valentine's Day.

The first thing I did was for the kids.  We started it February 1st and carried it on until Valentine's Day (mostly)

Abby's Door

Hayden's door

I made Brian participate in this one too.  He resisted at first and over thought what needed to be written, but got into it near the end.  This one did end earlier than planned.  We tended to forget to be honest.  Hayden didn't care about this or notice them really at all.  Abby on the other hand was SO excited each morning to wake up to a new heart or two.

Pinterest is great for classroom treats, that is where I found the idea for
The kids really liked these and they were simple to make.

I participated a little bit over at my other blog, feel free to pop over and check it out!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

2014 Pinterest Challenge - January

Who doesn't love Pinterest?  If you're like me, you have "pinned" a million items, but actually completed about 2!  This challenge is to help us check a few things off of our list.

The rules are simple:

Complete a minimum of 1 pin each month and blog about it.  This must be done and shared by the last day of every month.  It can be anything...a book, craft, recipe or anything else you saw on Pinterest.

What if you don't have a blog?  There is a Facebook group and you can post your results there!

At the end of each month when your blog is complete, link up here and share with the world.

Your pin didn't quite turn out as planned?  Share that too...let's admit...everyone likes to see pins gone horribly wrong!

Last but not least...make sure you give credit where credit is due and link back to the original pin!

If you have a blog, join up at the end of this post.

For those of you interesting in participating or just following along,
 ask me to add you to our Facebook page!

Please also link back to this post somewhere for others to find


So, what started as a humble idea has grown to over 20 participants.  How cool is that! 

I've decided I'm going to attempt to do this challenge with both of my blogs.  You can see what I accomplished on the "health" side of things by clicking on my link below (Diary of a Fat Girl) in the Link Up List.

The first Pinterest item I decided to work on will progress as the next 12 months go by.

I attempted it last year and life got in the way and I had to push it aside, but I'm determined to try it again.

You can find the details of this challenge over here

I'm on week 5 and the balance so far is $ 15.00.  I have seen some other blogs where people do it in reverse or randomly.  That way you don't have to try to put in the largest amounts during the most expensive time of the year.  It's not too late for anyone else that wants to do this challenge too.  It doesn't need to be started only in January.  I mean, everyone could use some extra dough at any time of the year!

The second thing I decided to try was a recipe.  My food boards are on over-load and I have probably only made about 3 things.  We tend to stick to the same 'ol, same 'ol around here.

I made this:

We all love perogies and I thought it might be a nice introduction to a new recipe.  We had it for Sunday dinner with ham.  I changed this up just a little.  I used an herb and garlic cream cheese instead of the plain it calls for and I also fried up some bacon and onion and sprinkled it on top before baking.

I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe.  I thought the perogies might be soggy due to being cooked in a bit of liquid, but they did crisp up a bit.  They probably would have crisped up more if I had used a less cheese.  They were a bit doughier then when I fry them, but it was a nice alternative for when you just want to pop everything in the oven and forget it for an hour.  I would make this again for sure.

I also made dessert that night

I was drawn to this for a couple of reason:

  1. Hubby LOVES Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
  2. I had half of the ingredients on hand
  3. It was SUPER easy!
The original calls for a chocolate crust, but the store only had shortbread in the ready made (I was keeping it simple, remember) and I used light pudding and cool whip.  The kids really liked it as well.  Perhaps this is the reason why I gained .50 lbs instead of lost! 

So that my friends is my January edition of the 2014 Pinterest challenge!

Link up here:

1. Amy @ Diary Of A Fat Girl  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday Hayden!

Our adventure into parenthood started on December 19th, 2006.  On that day, we welcomed a healthy baby boy and promptly called him Hayden Stanley Bickmore.

Hayden had been the name we picked out during that "when we have kids" phase of our relationship and it stuck until we actually did.  Stanley was after Brian's late grandfather.  While there was not a super close relationship between Brian and him while we had been together, there was a connection between my pregnancy/child birth and him.  I found out I was pregnant with Hayden on the weekend we went to help pack up his house and Hayden was born a year + 1 day to his passing.

I must say,  I love this kid!  It amazes me to this day how much I love him.  We have our struggles and are facing some major hurdles with him, but those struggles make him my boy!

This year, we took a slightly different approach to his birthday.  We told him no party, but he could invite 1 friend to do an activity of his choosing and a nice meal out.   He chose Laser Tag.  So, we played 2 rounds of laser tag and then went for an early supper at East Side Mario's.   It was pretty perfect.  The kids all had a blast and I didn't have to deal with 8 screaming kids in my house!  On the Sunday, we had my parents over for cake.

Here is a look at my boy over the past 7 years.  Again, I don't have pictures from every birthday, but something from every year at least.



Friday, December 27, 2013

2014 Pinterest Challenge

Is everyone out there as Pinterest addicted as I am?   I mean, seriously, I am on that website E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y!!!

This little picture sums up my Pinterest existence

Back in 2012, I joined my girlfriend Diana and her sister in a Pinterest challenge.  The idea was you needed to complete 1 thing you saw on Pinterest each month.  It went strong until the end of the year and then it sort of fizzled out.

I decided this year I was bringing it back!  Even if it was just for myself.  The thing with Pinterest is, you pin about a million things you want to do, buy or make and ACTUALLY do about 3!

2013 was pretty much a bust this year and I am going to make 2014 a little bit more about myself.  My kids are a bit older and more independent and I can do this.

So, here's the deal and I would love for you to join me.  Each month, you need to complete 1 of your pins.  It can be a craft, a recipe, a book or anything else.  Take pictures along the way to document what you did.  At the end of the month, do up a blog post with your pin, show your finished work, even if it was a complete fail!  Also, make sure you give credit where credit is due and link back to the original pin.

Don't have a blog and you refuse to create one? (Which btw, is really silly!   It's free and super easy to do!  I'll walk you through it if you like)  You can share with me on Facebook!

Here is to a Pinteresting 2014 everyone!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Abigail!

Last weekend, we celebrated yet another milestone in our home.

Miss Abigail Marjorie Lynne Bickmore turned the big 0-4!

It was an exciting time for sure.  The thing is, she "got it" this year.  She knew what a birthday was really about.  She has been to a couple of birthday parties and for about 2 weeks before the big day, she asked almost every minute when her birthday was. 

When she woke up that Saturday (Nov 30th) she awoke to some simple birthday decorations in both the kitchen and the living room.  She was tickled pink and practically floated with excitement the whole day.  She and I had to go and pick up the cake and she had to tell everyone it was her birthday.  The cake she picked out was a hockey cake.  I had them girl it up with pinks and purples.  Why she wanted a hockey cake is a bit beyond me.  I tried to get her a girly princess one, but no luck.

It was hard to not give in to the temptation of letting her have a small party, but I made a rule when the kids were little, no friend party until the age of 5.  Until then (and even after) it's a simple family party.  It consists of my parents and us.

For some reason, this year it felt perfect!  We had them over for lunch and cake.  Abby opened presents and just beamed when we sang to her.  The rest of the afternoon, the kids played with her gifts and got along....damn near Hallmark I tell ya!

So, in what is now ordinary yearly fashion, it's time to overload you with pictures!  Starting with the "remember when" ones.

Here she is on her "birth" day.

First Birthday

Second Birthday

This is the point of the blog where I win Mother of the Year.....for some reason, I am unable to find ANY pictures from her 3rd birthday.  I am positive I would have taken at least one and I am also pretty sure I had written a really nice blog post last year, with a heart-felt letter to my little girl, but I can't find it I will just include a picture of her at age 3 until I can do better!

I just love this year's can see the pure joy and excitement in her expression.

Now, what would I say to my little girl this year?  I would probably tell her this:

Dearest Abigail,

I love you even more this year then I did last.  You see, as each year passes, my love for you will grow more and more.  As you grow and learn new things, there are more things to love.  I love that you can chat up a storm or look after your babies for hours.  I love that you are the only one that can turn our crazy kitten into mush and have her give you kisses.  I love that you are now going to school and come home to share your new knowledge with us.

You are all I could have asked for in a little girl.  You are kind and generous and willing to share with others.  You have so many little friends and are well liked.

You are willing to help out and do what you can around the house.

As you become just this little bit older, you are seeking your independence.  It's hard to watch you do things for yourself, but also a moment of pride, knowing just how capable you are.

You are full of spunk and attitude.  Don't dare tell you "no", for if we do, a full-on pout will show itself and there is a good chance you won't talk or look at us until we trick you into thinking we have a cookie for you.

You are full of smiles and giggles and they both light up a room. 

If there is one thing you can grow up being confident in, let that be our love for you!  Your whole family loves you and would do anything for you.

You are turning into a fantastic little lady and I can't wait to see what the next year brings for you.

Love Mom

Friday, November 8, 2013

Good Night, Sleep Tight - Episode 1.0

I didn't want to miss my goal, but I'm too pooped to write tonight.

If you need something different to read and you haven't checked it out already, head on over to my other blog

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Would You Rather.....? Round # 1

I needed a few ideas for a blog post and I thought...what better way then to search the net and then play a game of:

Would You Rather....?

Go way back in time and meet your ancestors
(pre 1800's)


Go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren
(post 2200)

 For me, this was pretty easy, I would pick the future.   While it would be fascinating to see exactly who I came from and get some insight as to helped make, I could research that if I was truly interested.  But I would be so curious to see what future "Amy & Brian's" are like.  Plus, let's not forget all the other things you could find out by going into the future.

Which would you pick and why?

Go to for more questions